Hair treatment in Pakistan, hair transplantation is complete process of surgical and non-surgical treatment includes hair systems, hair transplant and FUE hair transplant. single hair follicles are taken form one part of the donor area to the beneficiary head and balding part.
Hair transplantation in Pakistan is affordable options for people of Pakistan and overseas Pakistani’s for the solution of hair treatments. If hairs starts to fall don’t need to worry and it is most common in Pakistan now hair transplant surgery is safe way for restoration of hairs.
Hair transplant is now considered the safest way for hair treatment solutions in Pakistan and get lost hair back again with the same look and feel. In the surgery which is normally done to remove the strip from the back and sides of the head, in these areas hair growth is enduring and not affected.
Team of expert surgeons or doctor and medical staff separate the hair scalp into the individual grafts, normally grafts size vary from each other like mini, micro grafts. After completion of hair treatment doctors recommend the rest for almost one weak and then normally patient starts his/her normal tasks.
31st May, 2014 09:58 PM